Friday 24 April 2015

Construction due to commence

Received the letter to commence construction from the bank on 22-4-15, just within the 15 working day dead line set by the builder.

Allworth will send us kitchen layouts and final plans for us to authorise within 20 days. This 20 days is apparently their ordering stage.

Just making a note of heavy rainfall ( 1:100 ARI or worse) last week between 18-22 April 2015. I wonder if that will affect the foundation material under and around the piers when they drill.

Received kitchen layout and final construction plans from Allworth on 7-5-15, sent it back to them the next day. Construction should begin within a week from 8-5-15.

On the financial side of things, I submitted the First Home Owners Grant application (on 5-5-15) to my lender who forwarded it to the CBA. The funds will hopefully be ready in time for the first progress payment - After slab is laid.

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